
Ummm... as this successful, unmarried, happy woman who isn't beholden to the patriarchy is demonstrating, Jezebel is thattaway.

Nope. That's just Wert-inspired foreplay.

"Buying market share" is a preposterous notion when you are talking in terms of MSRP.

Very true. I think there was a Jalop article a while back about how today's "crappiest car" would have been viewed by the masses 20-25 years ago as a gift from God.

My whole takeaway from the current market (being a non-truck guy in a part of the country, and more specifically, an industry in which truck guys thrive) is that...

"But then I've tended to live in places with terrible radio stations (looking at you, LA market)."

Maybe my vacation high hasn't worn off yet, but I didn't find driving in LA/Orange County to be bad at all.


It seems as though she's trying to make that case that the state had "concerns" about the chimp, and that they're liable in this because they didn't act on said concerns.

Not a big fan of Taco Bell, but since it happens every time someone mentions Taco Bell online, I thought I'd ask:

Umm... isn't that called comparison shopping? That is every consumer's right.

It seems like a lot of the people complaining about this story are confused about the "billable hours" baseline, claiming it's a ripoff, etc. There are also a lot of people looking at this with the benefit of hindsight.

The posters for the porno movies/books(?) in the area just after that are what got me. The "Sex in Rapture" Kinetoscope was pretty funny, too.

Yeah, it was a hell of a treat when we got a filmstrip that came with a cassette rather than a record. Production values weren't a lot better back then either; I remember one in particular that was about the Bering Strait land bridge, and it showed a snowy, windblown landscape that was enhanced by the sound effect of

Thank you for the obligatory Motorweek rowing gif. That part of their reviews always reminded me of this guy:

Goodell is just launching phase one of his new branding strategy.

Pictured above: Nancy's face when thinking about amputee porn.

"If you try it on an SUV, I hope you're wanting to be fucked by a guy on drywall stilts."