
Not nearly as hilarious as people who can't spell.

It's spelled "rubes", dipshit. Try a dictionary once in a while.

"They called for a drop kick. I... am... so... scared..."

I posted my other comment before I read this one. Glad to see you've seen the light. He's like Hawk or Harry Caray (both of whom I love to listen to), just without the "gimmicks".

Other commenters have given the reasons for Vin's longevity and mastery... all I have is a head full of fuck.

I'm sure that NVH has something to do with it, but pedestrian safety?

I like the way you drink... er, think.

I've driven a few cars with white gauge backlighting, and they're usually much lower intensity (in output) than red or green gauges. Not hard on the eyes at all.

Fuckin' A!

You're right. I was only thinking of the bullshit that bothered me. I should have been thinking in a larger context:

I'm not sure that's the point.

I can't help but think that the only reason they played at Chavez Ravine was because of Vin.

You must have released that right after YouTube was launched. And all this time I thought those people were stupid. It was just a filter from a plugin!

Not sure how far back it goes, but...

You mean left foot brake?

[creates plugin to similarly change slurs on YouTube comments]

$. That's why.

Head gasket?

"The only question is, which side would you rather be on?"

Damn. Now I feel bad for not going to the game today.