

Man, not having a face behind the cowl makes the Batsuit look like some S+M gimp outfit.

Wolverine is your uncle who played college football.

Suit guy has "help" that pushes the buttons for him. Those buttons have nasty poor germs on them.

"The bright blue flame indicates that this was a particularly sweet doughnut."

"I got somethin' good for ya."

so much stans...

Sorry. I'm not surprised.

"Hold on now... this bandstand wasn't double-bolted!"

Looks like the cross was rising on him, and just couldn't react fast enough.

What REALLY happens when men take a testosterone supplement
(Sponsored link)

OK, since there will never be a selfie better than this, can everyone else stop now... especially while they're driving?

...and I hate Facebook because of EVERYTHING.

Next week's headline:

I agree - that feeling you get from those folks is pretty icky, and pretty hard to ignore.

I knew someone who busted one of their motor mounts doing this exact same thing. I had the hood open while it was running. The engine looked like a mechanical bull when he changed gears.

"...and that's why you should always turn into the closest lane to you"

I didn't get anything strange this year (cologne and a couple of books), but when we went to the in-laws to unwrap stuff on xmas eve, my mother in law received (from her mother in law) this huge box set of Dean Martin Celebrity roasts.

Scoffs at your "unique" name list.

Me too, man. Me too.