
I like you. You've got Moxie.

Hey, man. That's Josta the free market at work.

Now playing

People who continually shout out players' names at games just to get attention always reminds me of this:

Of course it's expensive. They haven't made it in years.


I know. I just can't stand lotion on my hands. I have to work in pretty extreme temps, so I'm no stranger to Curel anti-itch lotion. If I have to use it, I wash my hands for 4-5 minutes just to get the grease off.

Yeah, it's not terrifying. As a guy who got into science/engineering after a career in journalism/marketing, I understand both sides of the coin. You gotta get them click-throughs.

Thanks for the support, though cold is only half the equation. Steam burns/catching on fire is the other half.

Actually, since you felt the need to call me out over my scoffing at the price of gimmicky oxfords...

Yeah, that's what I kind of assumed. $15 worth of "shirt" plus $70 worth of marketing.

Eating pineapple? Here's how that goes in my house...

It is for me. I'm a cheap-ass who likes to spend money on his kid instead of clothes.

Sorry, wish I'd read your post before I chimed in. Hits some of the same points mine did, but better.

As a marketing guy, it gets the message across with as few words as needed.

Shit, I didn't read Lis's entire entry before I posted my last.

The type of people who would spend $85 on a shirt are not the type of people to walk around untucked. Leave that for $20 Gap sales rack crap.

"Now the secret now is to make sure that we definitely don't go for a pee."

"What's that bubble there?"

Alright... my snark was interrupted by a shocking revelation.

Z31 or Z32?