

I hate all the “boys talk” about “girls” and “dirty and bad stuff.” We’re talking about a then 59-year-old man bragging about sexual assault, not 7-year-old Donny yelling the word “penis!!” at Nancy on the playground because little Billy told him to.

When I look at her, all I can think of is Quint describing a shark’s eyes.

Everyone has guessed Harvey Weinstein and I think they are right. Harvey is said to be one of the biggest predators in the industry. Wasn’t Weinstein the one who started that Polanski petition? If you’re a man in Hollywood you can literally get away with murder but if a woman is “difficult” or a “diva” she gets

But that’s the thing. It wouldn’t. We know how our society works. Its all about placing the blame on the victim specially with a case of rape/sexual assault. If she has no hard proof, this is a he said/she said at best. She could be sued and destroyed to pieces. As it is, she is most likely going to have more doors

When you think about black kindergartners and first graders being handcuffed by police for throwing tantrums, yeah.

Participants gave themselves Nazi-themed nicknames, including the Fuhrer, Gruppenfuhrer and Sturmbannführer. They wrote of ‘the final solution’ and the goal to ‘eradicate all lessers [sic]’, with some writing, ‘Let’s have fun killing jews’ and ‘You can hang Jews on trees, shoot them right in the knees. Gas as

Well aren’t you lucky.

racist when seeing article about this: “They have 1st amendment rights, blah, blah. They have freedom of expression...”

Yea, white progressives tend to be just as racist and horrible as the white conservatives they look down upon. My own liberal utopia, Madison, WI, has a well deserved reputation for treating PoC like shit. In fact, I recently read about a study that showed that white progressives were actually a few percentage point

Given that the passenger wasn’t given the choice and isn’t the one being accused of anything, it seems like you’re being intentionally obtuse.

“couldn’t stand to be married to a white woman of equal intelligence”.

Honestly, if I was the passenger who fell ill I’d be mad as hell too. You nearly let me die because you’re racist and sexist? There was a qualified doctor offering to help and you GOT IN HER WAY? I’d be fucking furious.

Why should anybody hate all Muslims? I don’t. Men treat women horridly. This includes Muslim men. There are plenty of Muslims who are not abusive. They’re called women.

I’m so glad fraternities and sororities aren’t really a thing in most European universities, at least not to the same extent as in the US. Honestly campus living in the US sounds like a fucking nightmare for women.

Dear men:

I know right? why do they still exist. they just foster this prison like behavior.

Yeah this story will certainly be a good one to keep in your back pocket to use any time someone protests that fraternities as an institution hold no blame in campus rape problems. If these allegations are true, then this is a bonafide case of a fraternity actively creating rapists.

When I was in college, one of the special interest houses (devoted to art and diversity) lost their right to have a campus house because someone found a single joint during an inspection of the property.

Please, do take sanctions against all social Greek letter organizations.