Do you even know what a strawman is? You should look that up.
Do you even know what a strawman is? You should look that up.
Pray tell, how does her suggesting tweaks and changes here and there, without any body of law behind her, in any way damage creative freedom? And if critique damages creative freedom, you should probably be railing against the journalistic fields of movie, music, and TV reviews as well.
"I can't stand the notion that women cannot be portrayed as strong and yet cannot also be sexy or good looking."
I didn't see anyone saying that other than you.
I find it adorable how you find the nitpickiest ways to pick at her for nitpicking. Cute!
If she were calling for laws punishing people for creating sexist games, your comment might be relevant. As is, all she's doing is saying "games would be better if they were different in these ways." What power does that have to stifle creativity, exactly? If anything else, it's encouraging artists to be MORE creative…
Your failure to understand her arguments does not prove that SHE is stupid.
(Let's see if you can figure out what my message is here...)
Half of humanity is female, you don't think there could be ONE female character? Christ on a motherfucking bike.
You don't want to do that debate, for real. You would lose like crazy.
It's funny, you seem to think she has the ability to shut down debate, and yet I can read your writing here. How exactly is she shutting down anything? I seem to see people threatening to kill her in order to shut her up, yet she's the one being accused of stopping people from speaking, and I CAN STILL READ THE THINGS…
Intelligent people do, yes. Crawl back into your hole.
Please, by all means, tell us all exactly how much time and how many systems one must own in order to be a "gamer". Let's be scientific and rational and quantify it!
It's in the article. Read the fucking article.
""Why can I kill hookers in GTA5?! This is horrible!" as though that's upsetting, try to consider that there might be a reasonable answer..."
Yeah, it invalidates everything she says because she finds something upsetting that normal human beings find upsetting.
One day, a guy like you might think to ask a lady what she thinks is sexy, instead of claiming what a sexualized man does or doesn't look like. One day. We can only wish.
It's delightful to see how creative people like you get with inventing things she must certainly have said or felt. In your world, is the sky pink, and does it rain dandelion fluff? Can I visit?
Your straw feminist is so convincing!
Yeah... they're defending their holy right to NOT BE CREATIVE in the name of their supposed creativity. "Wait, so I have to do my job in an interesting way that the consumers of my work might appreciate? OH THE HUMANITY OF IT ALL"
...except that right there in the article, in her presentation, she said there's nothing wrong with games where you can kill women as well as men, as long as it's not sexualized.
Can you read, bro? If you can, perhaps you should try.
She's toxic?
You're delusional.
...and the only reason why we should care is because they'll keep making empty threats because Anita Sarkeesian doesn't 100% approve of what gives them boners.