
mine too!

OH SERIOUSLY WTF. that is not ok.

Swimming pools and cars have purposes other than killing people. Guns do not.

This comment should be higher up.

It wouldn't have occurred to me, personally, but little boys HAVE dicks and think they're funny, so of course they would!

If you have an extruder and brown Play-Doh, little poops will happen. it's just a fact of life.

The word "entrepreneur" is my personal anti-lady-boner.

Because in order to win under capitalism, you have to out-lie, out-cheat, and out-steal your competition (which, of course, forces the people competing with you to lie, cheat, and steal to stay afloat). He who is the worst human being is the best at making money, and then he gets to be in charge of the rest of us poor

The thing is, when abortion is or isn't permitted isn't based on "consciousness." It's based on being INSIDE SOMEONE ELSE'S BODY.

Of course, a bunch of white folks are writing in asking, "But then, what should I do?"

That's a sucky feeling, but we're going to have to live with it and keep doing the right thing. This isn't about making us feel good.

We shouldn't expect cookies or kindness from black folks. We should take it with grace if they tell us we're doing it wrong. And we should keep ceaselessly taking every opportunity we encounter to fight by their side in this battle - WITH THEIR DIRECTIONS and not according to what our own good intentions tell us to

ONLY THE HITACHI. seriously. mine has been going strong for over 11 years.

The thing is, I think they're lying about being that afraid. I mean, who would even want the job if they didn't get off on bullying and sometimes killing people?

Because we live in a sick, sexist, racist society that eroticizes unequal power relations.

Because we live in a sick, sexist, racist society that socializes dudes to eroticize power?

"The boner broke, and I cried like a girl for a solid 15-20 minutes. I never played organized football again."

Oh, come on. If you're crying over a broken boner, you are definitely CRYING LIKE A BOY.

Also notable: being a police officer isn't even in the top ten most dangerous jobs, and the official estimate of folks killed by cops per year is 400 (experts estimate it's more like 1000), while somewhere in the realm of 100-200 cops die a year from combined causes (that isn't even just them being killed by

See that point over there? It's behind you because IT FLEW WAY OVER YOUR HEAD.

Made it to 2:30. what's with all that heavy-handed autotune????