They had them ages ago. As with most new McD's things, they were pretty good initially and rapidly became disgusting.
They had them ages ago. As with most new McD's things, they were pretty good initially and rapidly became disgusting.
How badly does it hurt to pull that much tape off your boobs after wearing something like this?
Are you really defending the feelings of racists? Is that really the person you want to be, in the year 2014? really? aren't you embarrassed? You should be.
Yep! The no-dating-people-of-another-race thing is a dealbreaker for me, too. Also added the comment "Fuck racists" to it, just to make sure.
Ah, but here's the rub, my dear: science hasn't proven whether being overweight or obese is a cause or a symptom of disease, and there is plenty of evidence to indicate that one can live a perfectly healthy lifestyle and still wind up fat. There is also plenty of evidence to indicate that one loses nothing healthwise…
I started reading but by the end of the first paragraph all I heard was that trumpet voice like the teachers in the Charlie Brown specials.
Said it before, will say it again: aren't YOOOOOOOOOOU special.
You don't have to break up with cupcakes! Just visit with them... I dunno, once a week or something. Moderation in all things!
Willpower wears out as people grow more and more tired. After that double shift, on your feet all day and getting yelled at by customers or maybe just carrying heavy boxes, people expect the first thing on someone's mind to be eating healthy rather than just shoving whatever is available into their face?
I am completely confused by what you consider "morality" - as far as I'm concerned, the word strictly applies to how we treat others. At the end of the day, my version of morality makes me happy, and the people around me, too. But, y'know, to each their own, I guess?
You are aware that nobody lives forever, right?
Well aren't YOOOOOOOOU special.
Not even anti-choice; forced-birthers. That is the central premise of their existence. They want to force women to give birth. Choice, life, whatevs; this is their sole motive.
I feel like a broken record saying this, but let's stop calling them "pro-lifers" and call them "forced birthers." It's much more accurate.
Add in the fact that food is one of the few affordable, easy-to-acquire, use-anytime things that people can use to comfort ourselves, and of freaking course we're always stuffing ourselves. We can't drink booze, smoke cigarettes, or use drugs at work, and sex isn't always easy to come by, but chocolate gives you a…
I've added a new internet rule after this case: I now assume that if a white person says "this isn't about race" (often accompanied with "it's about class"), that they do not actually know any black people.
I'd love for everyone to ignore those motherfuckers forever, please.
ho. lee. shit.
I really loathe the phrase "making love," personally. It's simultaneously cutesy and filthy in a moist basement-smelling kind of way.
Also valid advice.