
They’re only unreliable when people don’t drive them, or don’t maintain them. The early ones did have their issues, but later 90’s on were pretty solid (again, if they’re taken care of). Even early ones can be sorted, but you usually won’t make it out ahead financially. It has to be a labour of love!

Paint ball gun.. probably minimal damage and you can paint the camera.. after a few times maybe the operator will get a clue.

What I’m curious about is how NH is gaining distance relative to Voyagers I and II. Since NH is seemingly travelling faster, should it surpass the distance of VI and VII eventually?

Maybe made for impaling.. because BEAST ALL THE THINGS!

The diablo is cool.. Much smaller than one would think.. At least the cabin is small, the engine area with the V12 is massive.

The V8 is awesome.. makes a great noise and has plenty of power. The transmo is still good tho 2nd sometimes gives me problems. The engine is stock so the transmission should be fine, as long as I don’t rag on it too much.

Hadn’t gotten a Delorean comment.. mine is newer (2001) so maybe with that fat wing on the back it looks less like one.

Anecdote time!

Fellow Esprit owner here.. yep.. never the ladies..

Welcome. Now LEAVE YOUR POLITICS IN CALIFORINA! Or else we’ll have crap emissions laws here like you had there. There is more than this one reason that Californians are feeling the state.

Whoever has the better clutch will win.


Rig truck kept it upright.. Kudos to him.

I generally don’t get morons who write anonymous notes to be left on cars. Really? Does that make you feel all superior and self-righteous ?

Whut? No Gunz?

Well.. you can always put tires on it

Yeah.. I agree.. It looks like the rail impaled the car. With a proper wall there or proper protection the car would/should have bounced away. Instead it the rail went thru the cabin. It doesn’t look like it’s upside down.

Just thought of one this morning: Turning the passenger air vent toward the window.. so then the AC will fog that part of the window so you can’t see the passenger review mirror. If you don’t want AC blowing on you, close the vent. Do not put it against the window.

Flappy paddle or row your own? Do they make a standard anymore? :/

Idunno.. I’d give him benefit of a doubt. He may not be an engineer but more of an ideas guy. Being a geek myself I can see that being front in center on camera you may not go off as smoothly as you want to portray.