
The fuck?

This is the end.

What if I told you I did know that word?


I'm already far too irritated by the amount of that girl screaming to have any interest in the full movie.

It seems to me like a good opportunity to appear graceful in the face of nonsense. Who cares if you get a grand entrance?

I don’t really get why people care so much about data mining.

Fly, fly my internet minions! Mobilize and canvas the earth! In my right hand I wield you as the anonymous sword of the nations, and nothing escapes our mighty eye.

Why e’e’body always be claiming water is a basic requirement for life if all the life they know emerged on the same tiny-ass planet?

It bothers me when companies use their clout for political statements, no matter the views they espouse.


I got their Super Famicom-colored controller a few months back.

I’m worried about losing tactile feedback, if it’s all just one contiguous touch strip.

Four painful years? How often do you need revamps? Is the current one really that bad? Have you talked to a therapist about your techlust?

Udachny = Удачный = Lucky.

What bothers me is when people (surprisingly often) intentionally say to me that they are unaffected by people’s deaths in movies, but hate when dogs die.

Sure seems to have evolved away from that to me.

Beat me to it.

My god. It’s like a cartoon.

Do you think zombies will ever go out of style? Because I’m sick of them at this point. Tired of seeing rotting flesh everywhere. Pretty boring and gross.