This is epic and neat and all, but
Na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na
It’s a good idea in that it gets people to write articles about Reese’s and remind us that the normal ones exist.
Having trouble parsing one of the blobs in the top right.
What on earth is growing out of its ass?
Weird question, since there are no moose or hockey-based Pocket Monsters.
So goddammit, I basically bought a Wii U for nothing.
Oh god, you bastard, putting that right on the front page.
Indeed. Awe can be a frightening thing.
As much wonder as space gives us now, I can’t help but wonder if it was even more awe-inspiring for people from millennia ago who didn’t have a solidified idea of what things in the heavens actually were.
I can just imagine a long-forgotten young child being inspired by these pictures.
Toilet Paper!
In case you needed more evidence that the internet, left unfettered, is awesome: Boaty McBoatface has now won the poll to name an upcoming polar research vessel.
Best cosplay ever?
Oh god, I neeeeeeeeeeeed it.
Me wish me could close me eyes cracked me up.
I think I’ve realized what’s turning me into a cynical asshole.
I’d rather see all the non-Nintendo series in cheery style.