
Andy Timm is a concept artist working at Hi-Rez studios, the developers behind Smite and the newer Tribes games.

Skyrim will be off limits for me when I get my oculus. Fuck. Those. Fucking. Spiders. Imagine those at the correct scale? Good fucking god....

This, I already freak when I see a creeper, mines will be crazy, when they come out of the darkness.

Her crime was running in the street and telling a cop to F off after being asked not to. You don’t get to ignore cops when you don’t feel like obeying the law. That’s not how a functioning society works.

Language changes and evolves. The supposed “dumbing down of the English language” has been going on for over a thousand years.

The video doesn’t show it, but Hileman later said in the comments that the truck driver did after hitting the car.

Not sure Bastion counts as a dystopia really. The society didn’t seem to be very bad before the calamity, and it appears to have been so instantaneous that if there was a great societal decline or oppression it happened in all of like, 5 seconds. That’s more of an apocalypse.

Yeah, same here. I’m giving random gifs instead of stars, so here’s a dog trying to Kinja:

One-Punch Man is tied for 10th? BLASPHEMY. Can’t argue with no. 1, though.

Dammit Barry, you just had to mention the Patriots’ line shift. Now the comment section is full of butthurt Steelers fans. Shifting along the line is not cheating. Shit, man, you can shift the D-line before the snap in video games. Shouting out a fake snap count when you’re on defense is cheating. Learn the difference

a) You probably don’t ride. Believe me, there are plenty of places that are unsafe for a car to pass where it’s no problem for a bike (either due to the bike being able to do the pass or simply because of things like better sightlines due to lane positioning etc). So it comes down to The Law vs. common sense, being

I was waiting for this from the start from the Face paint.

Add in the fact that they're fighting for their families, friends, and homeland, and not some daft idea of religious manifest destiny, and every trigger pull is that much more crucial.