
Abs Crunchum.

Just gunna leave this here.

Gawker promised that images like this would be hidden in the greys.

I would assume it was on me, and throw myself into the fire.

For $84,000, why should I buy this over a Charger Hellcat and a Fiesta ST?

Just a heads up for the people who read the comments before clicking on the video. Don't watch this one if you own a pet. Here is a better animal video.

Good job, Dodge!! Don't let dealerships kill the sales of this kick ass car.

Which is why it bugs me immensely. I'm pretty tired of the "women as perpetual victims" narrative, because that shit is patronizing and counterproductive.

I like how even in a movie where the child-molesting teacher is a woman, she still manages to wind up as the victim.

Lacky: "Welker popped Molly"

Just as all gay men aren't "lustful cockmonsters", straight men don't turn into boob touching zombies when they see a woman. By definition, gay men are attracted to other men physically just as straight men are attracted to women physically. So by the logic presented in this article, men and women should be able to

Well, the Trojan is broken, but at least he pulled the little guy out in time.


Well played!

1992 White Ford Bronco (You can get away with pretty much anything.)

Let's go to Dean Blandino, the NFL's head of officiating, for an official ruling on what can and can not be allowed to be remembered.

You can go to hell with that ranking of Pecan Pie. Never in all my years.....