
That car is pretty loud.

No love for Chex?

I bet he watches a lot of Soccer Anime.

Holistic water.

Actually, gasoline is full of potential energy and actually is necessary to the car running.

Feels like a Doug DeMuro special.

I am sure he was sober as a bird when making the comment.

Reminds me of A-Rod calling “got it” during a popup while he runs from second to third.

The succession line isn’t that great either.

Technically, those are Laser Knights, not Jedi. So your Star Wars reference is moot.

Lego flash has nipples.

Those are different ducks and different cars.

Mass Pike is tollbooth-less now.

If I were a robber, I’d so slap a big Amazon Delivery Service magnet on the side of my creepy van.

Also, if anyone is curious. Square Enix’s customer support is absolute trash.

I’m still expecting the airline to mess up somehow. The flight attendant will probably be fired for using the expensive wine bottles instead of the cheap stuff.

I do it. I am a millennial though.

I hope everyday I’m in a coma and am due to wake up to a world that is much better.

Been trying for a week now to recover my account. No luck, as their customer support isn’t that great.

Adam hates Bose.