
The answer is money.

It does seem like there is a trend of women directing (and filling other positions in film/TV/etc.) less than previous years. (Source) What information I can not find though is how many male and female directors there are total to pick from. I suppose the point is women are not getting the lower budget films in the

Maybe they liked racing? Or drank away their impending doom? Seems the latter is a timeless event.

I prefer the relaxing environment of the Kentucky derby over the loud cars in Indy. I suppose there are a few shared interests though.

They hide among us.

Someone needs to mash up that clip from @Seinfeld2000 with the sound of silence riff.

Kids are very gullible.

Peter Quill: “Why do you look like Kurt Russell?”

Pickle, they yell pickle.

This is basically the plot of REAMDE.

If all you need is a pump... there are cheaper options.

This should be a requirement.

You guys need to get into animated dramatizations for stories like this.

Exp = Loot Boxes

I disagree. I do not play the game to grind exp. I play the game to enjoy the game. Custom games role is that is singular, create an innovative place where people can do something different in Overwatch. That’s the incentive, not exp generation. Exp is just a bonus.

The worst part is that Buick Riviera commercial. 

The weapons play / gun firing just didn’t seem all that satisfying. Seems very different from what I remember in previous MA games. I am also not sure if things seem more cartoon-y or not. Maybe more texture will help and isn’t fully implemented.

Wasn’t there singing in Emperor’s new Groove?