I'm not the compliance guy for the fuel line there, but I am a compliance guy. So I must say when reading this I felt a little well, I said "douche bag" while reading.
I'm not the compliance guy for the fuel line there, but I am a compliance guy. So I must say when reading this I felt a little well, I said "douche bag" while reading.
Pretty much. In 1978, you'd need maybe two unless there was a hydrant handy. Nowadays, (when that much free gas is involved), you can get away with one truck with chemical (BC, ABC or PK) sprayers.
So a while back I was doing some research for work on this sort of thing. Yeah.
o man, Trarch is almost over!
You surely mean Guy Fur'yeti.
The most aggravating part about this is city officials in Florida are so illiterate that they don't bother figuring out if another city already tackled this problem, so they just flail about with bizarre new rules as if they were the first city to ever have to deal with (something thousands of cities have dealt with).
I don't really treat sriracha as a hot sauce, as it isn't that hot.. for me anyway. Then again, I also add cayenne powder to my frank's red hot.
Techno break light/sound emitter.
Yeah, I am sure his kids never saw him building this.
I would think that "Anything modified by an Australian" would've made the list as a general category.
Never could ford that river with my ford.
Waiting for the Top Gear Horse vs. ATV vs. Helicopter battle.
If only there was some sort of signal that would prevent something from happening.
1st person in PvP is a handicap.
So bad it killed Pontiac.
Would wouldn't want to get inside something named Aaron Rodgers?
Thats the beauty of open source though. You can find out everything that goes into using the bored. code, schematic, even the layout.
"I hear it all the time when I dunk stuff...Kazaam"
As an engineer myself, I wholeheartedly agree.