
You were onto something here, until your last sentence. As much as I dislike their music BEP are far from having a fading career if you look at success of their last album. Will I Am is a massive geek, crazy about tech world, and for someone with so much money I think its very cool that he does things which interest

I think I've used it less than 10 times since I got the first iPhone. Won't miss it.


Best to just ignore the guy, he's a tool, clueless. Curiosity has onboard plutonium generators which will deliver heat and electricity for at least 14 years! 75kg science payload more than 10 times as massive as those of earlier US Mars rovers. Equipped with tools to brush and drill into rocks, to scoop up, sort and

I would just stick an iPhone 4s on it :P Takes pretty decent pics for me /s

couldn't agree more, pure 100% authentic douche.

Re-skin of AC? They could probably do it in less than 6 months :P

hah nice, you think that would actually work? :)

Why? just because its Apple and Apple is evil and all that stuff? Give me a break.

Yeah a bit worried if next iPhone doesn't get released this year and I'll be stuck with my old iPhone 2G for 6 months hah :)

Then you have issues, and you should work on them...

Yeah sucky thing is here in Quebec you have to sign 3 year contract, its disgusting, who the hell keeps the same phone for 3 years!? So anyways I paid around $400 for it on contract but when iPhone5 comes out I will have to buy it without contract since I'm already on a contract (if that makes any sense).

so I bought white 64gb iPhone 4s in feb. Should I sell it now or wait closer to 'release' of next iPhone? Wonder how much I could sell it for too.

Thanks, I'll check em out.

$2000?!? that's pretty cheap!

nope not heard of these, is sound quality good?

I love good earbuds, but I can rarely find one that fits me well. In most cases my my right ear always falls out. I could invest in custom moulded earbuds but they're way above my budget. I guess my Bose On-Ear headphones will do for now...

Not sure I understand the title of this article. Most exec producers have not even seen the production floor, why should he need to know how to code? Exec producers job in games is to do all the political work between production, licensing, marketing etc. They do nothing the one production flor and never speak