
is that Chris Rock Zombie in that picture? :P

I'm sure it will sale like hotcakes but if this is the new iPhone then I'll gladly wait for iPhone 5s , probably will be better anyways, they always fix silly issues they find in first releases.

and if you shout racial slur you get banned for a season, meaning no Fifa for you, or... end of the game you just shake hands with the player you racially abused :P

I'm sure you can use it, but I don't think its necessary.

no, no, laws will not make GUNS less dangerous, it will make people less dangerous.

I live in Europe and I'm quite happy with the way we got it here.

I don't understand why it's legal to buy a semi-automatic firearm in US for personal use, I don't get it at all. The excuses I keep hearing about 2nd amendment and the land of free blah blah, seriously what a much of mumbo jumbo. What's next? make it legal to buy a small nuclear bomb so you can protect your lil farm?


When was last time you had sex with another person (a real, living person)?

I'm ashamed to admit this is something I would have done as well hahah lolz :P

What if I do want to stay anonymous? maybe I want to comment on videos with girls shaking their booty without my friends or wife finding out? :P lol

Would suck forgetting where you parked in this crowed. :)

Not sure what you mean. I have developer friends for iOS and they always had OS updates earlier. They're already rocking the iOS6 on their iPhones.

There's always been a confusion on the word Rap, just as there is on the word POP Music. Rap is not a music gender, it's a way of spitting (bars), or rhyming, you can rap in a heavy metal track or Disco. Kid Rock is a rapper, but he is not a hip-hop artist, he is a rock artist (some would say rap-rock but whatever).

I can't think anyone beating an iPhone, its the swiss knife of gadgets (for iPhone haters I guess any decent smart phone will do).

This is great! I can't wait for the next session on How to Rob Your Local Store Without Getting Caught and How to Murder Your Neighbour Without Getting Caught.

well said man, well said.

I think there is still a lot of of good music around today from new artists, but you have to search for it and be open minded. Like you said, most of the music on airways is pretty crap and I agree with that. My taste is pretty versatile, I like Jazz, Soul, Funk, Classic Rock, Blues, Hip-Hop and even some classical. I

Most Beatles fans will probably call their every album a masterpiece, but truth is they made many crap songs. Revolution 9, Only A Northern Song, Your Mother Should Know, Mr Moonlight, The Inner Light, I’ll Get You, Octopus's Garden and Maggie Mae are just few of the bad ones that come to my mind, albums like