
Makes me think of the extras to Cabin Fever, where the Pancakes kid was being awesome with his bo staff.

You're pretty eloquent for a zombie.

It doesn't turn up anything for kumquat.

Next processor is the Majin Buu line.

At least it still looks like a pretty good figure.

One of my FemSheps is named Hannah.

Check for oncoming traffic.

And this is why LEGOs are the single greatest toy ever.

The problem is that on top of it following a sine wave, there will be several spawns at once, often making it impossible to dodge them all.

If I have but one request from our benevolent Sega overlords, it is that they would make this a combination of all of the releases. In other words, every single song and level from every region.

The good news for 360 owners is that JSRF is backwards compatible.

Now playing

You got it! That's one of the three things I remember off the top of my head about the film. The other two being "What if?" and the kid playing the game on Game Gear that ended up deciding victory in all of the fights.

What if this comments page gets filled up with people asking questions that start out with, "What if?"

Aliens probably do exist. The universe is quite large, and the odds of our planet being the only one that has life on it are astronomically small. It's just that there is no evidence, at least as far as I'm aware.


I was about to say, "No, the Black Hand is a league of Ninjas in Marvel that specialize in assassinations, and they trained Elektra," but then I remembered that they're simply called The Hand.

I always preferred 7-Up myself.

The general line with opinions on the Internet is, "My opinion is sacred an unassailable, for opinions can't ever be wrong, except for everyone else's."

Depends if they knew or should have known that the app in question was not a legitimate product of Nintendo.