
And there they said that he's the voice of Jackie.

I imagined you saying this like George Carlin.

Well, guess I know what I'm getting this Friday. Or Saturday. Sunday at the latest. Depends on my work schedule/when I finally roll out of bed. And then I can get DoA Dimensions and Ocarina of Time, and I'll be ready when Spirit Camera: The Cursed Memoir comes out.

And now you know what it feels like to be Neil Patrick Harris.

Nothing is sex-proof.

Here eyes are dead and staring into my soul.

I still need to see that movie.

He's either so good that he can have that crappy stance and still kick everyone's ass, or they trained him wrong as a joke.

Most recently, she was on Grey's Anatomy as a patient in the two-part shooting rampage season finale.

I imagined you saying that like Samuel L. Jackson.

Why you no fight obesity, Dance Central?!

The problem with MK is that whenever it gets a good grip on T and/or A, it's to rip it off and/or apart.

SCIV - Cameltoe

Well, having sex IS the what we're going for here.

While I'm glad that he's still getting work since his songs were either pretty good or downright awesome in Dead Rising and Devil May Cry 3 and 4, it's kind of hard to make a Chocobo metal.

So we only get a brief flash of Lightning, a light dusting of Snow, and a faint glimmer of Hope?

They can, and have done something similar with people doing motorcycle stunts on freeways and stuff. []

But smoking pot is illegal, and by taking pictures of yourself doing it and posting them on the internet/giving them to someone else who does, you're doing the prosecutors' work for them.