ZeroOrDie - Powered By MZR

PR they dont even have the money to pay their workers in DC.


Id drive to NJ from VA to see this. Why not.

That is one of the first things I look at when considering a place to live. Where is the closest track.

VIR is like that. Plenty of events will be hosted there that will be cheaper. I don't want to live there. Just race. and for 30 bucks that aint bad.

What a great track I didnt know about. Girlfriend is pushing to move to Atlanta as some point. With this and Road Atlanta just an hour away. Count me in.

Plus one for window nets. Oh man.

Its like a semi trailing arm five link solid rear axle. Wut. Not to much damage they may have been able to keep driving...slowly.

Why are you here and where are you from? I don't mean what location. I am trying to figure out why you are reacting this way. Notice we are just having a discussion and you are just yelling? That is a bad sign for you.

Yea since we will be up in the place! WHAT! jk. Tied to my desk til 6. I've got a date tonight. Booty before understand.

I'll be right over to wait for this dude to show up. I'm in Alexandria currently. When he doesn't we are hitting the town.

No one is taking you seriously what so ever now. Walk away from the keyboard and take a deep breath. Have a better day. You can end this now and lower your blood pressure.

You are a burner. You are unable to get your point across because you do not know what you are talking about.

Yea a guy got in after me and put the seat all the way back. It looked like he was in the back seat. He couldnt reach anything haha. Good for them.

Haha. You know you may be right. I keep throwing money at it but it isnt turning into a FRS anytime soon.

Being 6'4'' I am just glad I fit in the driver seat. I'll figure out the rest later haha.

He loves it. See other replies. Seems I had to explain myself more gooder.

I am damning that I want one. Gets the same mpg as my mazda 6i but is exponentially cooler with two less doors. And I pledged to drive my 6i into the ground or 250k. Not to mention RWD, 6 spd, and more hp. So damn.

He said he loved it. He used to have an RX8 and liked that he got ten more mpg with the same driving dynamic. If you must know. And that he was going to mod the crap out of it.

I really liked the clothe seats in the FRS. Seems to have better styling in my opinion. But really who cares. Give me one or both. FRS real world fuel economy below.