
The Lincoln grilles are horrid.

Couldn't agree more; Toyota's mainstream styling is awkward and cumbersome. My in-laws bought a Highlander to replace a 6 year old Tahoe. The Tahoe looked better by a mile.

I saw my first new Corolla yesterday and I gotta say it's got a nice, tight ass. Too bad the front is overdesigned and bloated

What's interesting about the Vehicross is it is 90% (or even 95%) the same as the concept car shown by Isuzu... including the black plastic bottom trim. Yes, all that black stuff is plastic... like sneakers.

I saw one on the street about 5 years ago and had no idea what it was. It had been stripped of badges. I then spent about 2 hours trying to figure out what it was only to find out it had already been out of production for 8 years.

If memory serves, the one and only example that I've seen in the wild (so to speak; it was at Costco, not in the boondocks) was the same color. The Axiom and understandably yet regrettably named Ascended are a bit more common though still hardly something I see every day.

Styling was way ahead of it's time.. Looks like something you would see them make today.

I'll take your Vehicross, and raise you the Axiom.

Some dude lives close by my house has a silver one. I it see every now and then. This thing is cool looking.

Not even so much 2 letters as one pen stroke. (The one that crosses the Ts in Chevette).

"He was convicted for beating a woman and forcing her into prostitution, as well as assaulting a client who tried to pay without leaving. "

French is hard to get, I know. Omelette du fromage.

Yeah, the F-type definitely sounds the business. My office is a block away from a huge Jaguar dealer that is stocked to the gills with F-types, so I am lucky enough to hear them on a regular basis. And yeah, they're absolutely glorious. I don't think they're having any trouble selling the things, but if they were, all

It didn't post before, but your Supra is ready Jalopnik!

mmm, i love the quads.

MKIV style "quad lights"!

I'm giving everyone an opportunity to input what they think the next Supra should look like. Everyone who responds to this comment with one design cue it should have will have it incorporated into the design, and I'll post said design as a reply within the next 2 hours .

Not clearing the snow off the roof of your car. Hey idiot, you are blinding every car behind you

Believe that AWD makes you invincible.