
Stopped watching at Season 4 mid-season finale.
Liked the show at first, but it went from Humans vs Zombies to Humans vs Humans, feat. Zombies.
The constant misery was a burden to watch; any glimmer of hope was quickly squashed by even more misery, and characters always seem to take worst possible decisions at any given

It’s Kevin Dunn’s production style...
Shaky cam, zooms, angle changes mid move.
I guess Vince McMahon thinks it’s more dynamic, as if the move is so brutal the camera shakes!
(It’s also used to hide possible botches and “safe moves”, where it looks like they’re throwing a real punch/kick, but in reality they are inches

Looking a the gif replay, does the South Korean skater falling down deliberately try to kick the Canadian in the leg?
She fell down, with legs going down, look at the Canadian, and we see her right leg spring back up in a kick motion.
The Canadian was already stumbling to avoid the contact, but the kick made her jump

The kick was a routine move though, planned by the booker (not a call by Sasha). The same move was done the night prior (or a couple of days before) by Bayley on Paige, but with less thrust.
Paige was waiting for the kick, but it’s a freak incident: too stiff, Paige too close, too high/low in Paige’s back; it’s a

They had the chance to do the right thing at the right moment, and put the belt on Strowman, and maybe give him a run until the Royal Rumble.
Instead they kept the belt on a part timer whom we won’t likely see for the next 3 months...

President Trump, is that you?

Or maybe Lynch gets a shot at the briefcase due to a ruling on SmackDown Live, wins it, and then she cashes in. 

We can also make the case of where you live.
If you are in Canada, or northern USA, and need winter tires, or use “all-seasons” year round, you might face temperatures ranging from over 90° in Summer, down to 0° in Winter; that’s much more than the 30° variation you cited while driving.
Personally I had my winter tires

I’m surprised you didn’t include Milos Raonic, since the Canadian beat Nadal in 2 of their last 4 matches.

The worst is not Djoko going gluten-free; it was Murray who, after seeing Djoko demolish everyone during that period, decided he should also go gluten-free.
And... he had no energy and got sick.

When even your own employees think it’s a stupid name...

What’s most impressive is that you had all that detailed on a 30 years old Commodore 64 floppy!

If you assume your choice, that’s fine.
But stats says most people buy on impulse depending of the current oil market, regardless of their true needs.

Gas is high, let’s buy reasonably sized cars that fits our needs and lifestyles!
Wait, gas is back down now, let’s buy humongous SUVs and pick-up trucks we won’t use 10% of their potential, just because we can!

Mojo should have been DQ’d!
Gronk clearly interfered in Mojo’s favor, incapacitating Hardbody Mahal with cheap beer (knowing Gronk, probably FourLoko?).

You’re correct, I’ve never been there live. And I’m sure you had a fantastic experience, as every racing fan there.

This is fantastic. Not for the Indy 500 part, but for the spit in the face of Monaco.
Even if it’s glamourous, if it’s heritage, if it’s tradition... Monaco is shit.
It’s the worst race year in, year out, no contest. And this year, with the larger cars, it will be even worst, it’s going to be terrible.

That second stunner, on Aldo Montoya, was just incredible!

You seem to be forgetting that modern processors has 2-4-8 cores (2-4 for iMacs,) all working at 1.6 ghz.
Meaning it should be 1 motor per axle, or 1 motor per wheel, each pumping 660 764 192 HP.