Secret of Evermore is incredible. It should NOT have a sequel. Here’s why:
Secret of Evermore is incredible. It should NOT have a sequel. Here’s why:
Is this a different version than the other current Superman who was outed by Louis? Or is the timeline just jumbled Humphrey Bogart style?
Why didn’t you just start with saying that Christopher Lloyd is in it? Insta-buy.
Any details on what changes were made to gameplay?
Sounds like “tattooed dude” just got fired.
I love that this guy’s dream was to cosplay as Shia LaBeouf and he thought: “Make your dreams come true! Nothing is impossible!” That’s like meta-motivational.
I don’t know why, but none of these games have got me excited. And I’m a die-hard RPG fan. Is it the games? Or is it me? AM I GETTING OLD? (....oh wait, there’s a NieR sequel? F*CK YEA!)
Duuuuuude. The PS3 is soooo old. You really can’t be upset by now. But, if you want a dark, dreary, atmospheric game, consider checking out NieR. It’s like $10 now, and they just announced a sequel. It’s really an incredible game.
You didn’t need to do any sidequests to get the A and B endings (to my recollection). And I just youtubed the C-E ending after I got the B ending. Here’s the important part that every fan will tell you—> The best parts of the game are what happens in the new game + mode (while you’re trying to get ending B).
I agree with others. Keep playing. The trick with Nier was to actually avoid any/all side quests unless you legitimately thought they would be fun. Because half of the sidequests were just trolling (because they had zero rewards and the extra plot was often maddeningly sad, haha).
I am about ONE-THOUSAND-TIMES more excited about this than FFVII.
Just saw the screenshots. This game looks... soulless. How could the might Squaresoft be making such cookie cutter games now. This looks like the most generic anime ever.
Point three: Games used to require imagination.
I don’t see why the graphics have to be so perfect that you can’t lose yourself in the game. This is not an issue of the uncanny valley. We’re talking about the way rocks, grass, and fire look.
Please guys... get lost in the fantasy of it. Enjoy it for what it is. They…
So happy to see SoE love. Let’s be internet pals.
mmm Secret of Evermore is the best. Let’s be friends:
I just don't understand how one gets those fine details.