
My problem is more with the game being so far removed from the first two rather than how it plays on PC, which happens to be fine for me except for the tactical cam, which is useless. Also, I got the Dorian romance bug and was extremely frustrated that I could not romance Dorian. Took a lot of joy out the game for me;

The recent Christmas special for Black Mirror had a plot with this chilling possible reality.

It sounds a bit like Descent?

I'd prefer they not be headless though.

I second Catan as well as Small World and Lords of Waterdeep.

The Room One is also really great. I also think KotOR works really well on the iPad, although you need a later model because it crashes and runs poorly on the iPad 2. Plants Vs. Zombies is also a great time waster. Deep Dungeons of Doom is also pretty fun. I also really like Puzzle Quest 2.

What exactly do they limit? All clothes will fit so....

Holy fuck man. I will never complain about my breasts again.

Thanks a lot for writing these! They help me to know which anime to be interested in rather than just looking randomly.

Ethnic people? So white people have no ethnicity?

Why are there no pictures of this?

Would you mind sharing what happened to you? I'd really like to understand why parents and their children in faith healing homes make the choices they do. Also, I'm glad you're happy and healthy today!

I've taken a cab home to the East Bay from San Francisco after a night of heavy drinking and the fare was like $120. Cab companies are not that much different

This makes me want to cry.

I think Grandia II was amazing!

Agree with Thousand Arms!

Suikoden 1 should be on here along with Suikoden 2.

Except that asexual a can and do enjoy sex, so try again.

Yes, that is normal. Many women need clitoral stimulation to get off. Try stimulating the clit during PIV action.

A more metered response would be to ban use of the console for however long they deem appropriate. If the kid did something bad enough like almost kill someone then I'm sure returning it would be the right thing to do. We don't really know what the kid did though so it could very well be that the parent is being an