
Yeah, I don't get it either. I think the story is the best part about SWTOR and I happen to like MMOs too, so for me, the game was pretty rad.

Bioware made the canon endings/genders/alignments for KotOR 1 and 2 before SWTOR even came out.

But I've actually heard people complain about the storyline and how they don't care about it when I've played SWTOR.

The Banner Saga is amazing!

Hasn't it always been like this in every MMO? New expansion gets released and renders obsolete all the gear before it?

People want different things from their games and not everyone wants what you want. The first two game were heavily story-driven and (somewhat) linear. Why should we expect the third game to have been any different?

Yeah, but why would you want to? They flesh out the characters that you are interacting with on a constant basis. Same could be said for all the companion quests in DAI. Also Varric's quest is tied into the main storyline with the whole Deeproad's Expedition and that shard obviously makes a big impact on DAI.

There's a small quest in each area in DA2 to make them go away permanently; that never happens in Inquisition. It's constant respawns like an MMO.

But why would you want to lay off of story content? Story is Bioware's strong point.

Oh, but you don't have a problem with Inquisitions RESPAWNING mobs? They never go away...

My problem also with DAI, at least DAO and DA2 made it feel like every conversation was important. I don't know how often I started scrolling through my phone while yawning through the DAI "conversations."

My problem also with DAI, at least DAO and DA2 made it feel like every conversation was important. I don't know how often I started scrolling through my phone while yawning through the DAI 'conversations."

I just re-played DA2 and finished it right before DAI came out and I still agree with Cimeas. The little impediments you are mentioning aren't big enough that you literally have to grind hours upon hours for "power" in open maps with no direction and meaningless fluff to continue in the story quests. DA2 does a good

Really? So Varric's brother being tainted by Red Lyrium is not interesting? Nor is trying to track down the serial killer who kidnaps your mom? What about trying to find the slavers coming after Fenris or the haunted mansion? I would take any of these quests over the Hinterlands any day of the week.

That's not exactly a good thing when so much of the content is so boring!

This is exactly how I feel about the game. Most of the hours I have spent on it have been such a meaningless slog and grind when the game could have been amazing and more focused. They had the capability but decided to give us WoW 2005.

Completely agree with this.

Definitely an overcompensation and not in a good way. Fuck the Hinterlands and fuck all the other zones in DA:I.

You and I didn't play the same game.

How so?