I'm the exact opposite. I replayed DA2 before Inquisition and Inquisition has made me MISS DA2 and all the amazing story missions and interesting quests it had (even if they were in a recycled cave).
I'm the exact opposite. I replayed DA2 before Inquisition and Inquisition has made me MISS DA2 and all the amazing story missions and interesting quests it had (even if they were in a recycled cave).
Thank you for saying this as no one else has. I've played about 65 hours of the game and I hate most of it. The story missions are amazing, but those have only been a couple hours out of the 65 hours I have played. Every zone is like the Hinterland filled with meaningless crap to collect like a Farcry map. Where is…
You should probably get to the Red Wedding episode since that is where the game starts. Episode nine if I remember correctly.
I don't think it's entirely necessary, but it would help. I think it can still be enjoyable without prior knowledge.
Right, if anything the storyline in DA2 was its strong point.
I played the first episode tonight and some of the decisions were really hard and the fact that you have so little time to make them makes them increasingly stressful as the events of the episode ramp up. This leads to the climax of the episode which, fitting of the books and show, was quite a shocker.
And people wonder why Germans have an issue with immigrants.
I just can't bring myself to hit on The Iron Bull; he's way too ugly.
I really wish I knew about lip shine....
I really liked the story as well. All the side quests were pretty well-written too.
Only about five hours in but pretty disappointed so far. It's nothing like the first two games, it feels more like Skyrim combined with an MMO (kill Rams and deliver 10 meats!). I'm really hoping that changes like the review suggests. I don't want huge open-ended environments. I'd rather have a more story-based…
But that's what he said he was going to do?
The developers were giving away Steam keys on the Pirate Bay and encouraging people to spread the word about their game and to support it if they could.
90s Anime was the best.
You must have not seen the "Feminazis" and "cunts" that have been thrown around.
Fallout New Vegas is definitely superior to Fallout 3. NCR all the way!
The only one who seems hateful here is you.
Then maybe change the way you people are representing yourselves?
You lost me at "feminazis."
Don't forget all the DLCs!