
Hell Yeah. This is gonna be fun. I’ve already got my game face on:

My experience is that UK courts are generally pretty reasonable - compared to a lot of similarly-developed Western-world-type countries, even. I mean, I'm sure I'm biased, but my perception is that the US courts are far more obsessed with legalism and "technically", whereas the UK courts tend to be going for "what is

Unlikely. This is one set of eejits in one specific corner (and it is a weird little corner) of the UK deciding to do something as a ludicrous ass-covering measure, and it will backfire on them. Their assertion that it "is considered neglect" will beg the legal question "By whom?", and that I suspect, they will not be

Lol that heist propeller death

I'm deeply divided between how awesome it looks and how bad this must be to actually play with.

In contrast, Morrowind let the player free every slave they could, quest or no quest. At one point this led to me killing several people as I looked for a key, including (by accident) one slave. >_>


Real Life Attempt

I think Link would take Squalls record for lines of dialogue that are just "...".

Starts out innocently enough... then you start seeing what you aren't supposed to see.

Dailies and the "limited progression every week" are the reason I'v quit playing MMOs as my main game. I still dip into free ones like Star Trek and Star Wars once in a while but I'll never do end-game stuff again.

Everyone, we've gotta show Capcom that we want the old RE! I already pre ordered for the Xbox One, and I'm really hoping this sells well, I'd love an eventual remake of 2 and 3 as well. The original 3 were some of my favorite games of all time!

You and I have similar tendencies, although maybe for different reasons.

Totally agree with you. The ones that actually dedicate themselves to one game are most likely the ones having lots of free time and not much of a social life.

Cool article, I've really become a fan of eSports and games that you can actually enjoy watching others play.

I admire these people who have the dedication to only stick to one game but I don't think I could ever be one of them.

Also, if you find a Stronghold, you can basically harvest the gigantic library in there and you'll be set. That's a big if, of course.

I actually came back to it after a 2 year break (from an original start in F&F alpha of vanilla) and I am pretty happy/excited with Warlords of Draenor in that it does one thing the game has had a major problem with since tBC; making the world feel huge again.