
I would play this.

Too bad he tweeted today at 2:24 PM instead of 4:11 PM. That would've taken it to another level.

That statement seems somewhat weird to me. What about the obvious candidates like match three clones, flappy angry birds and 2046? If you want to limit this to AAA console material, than what's about all he motion, kinecty Wii sporty stuff?

It's time to say it. Look, video gamers. I am sure you are all good, fine people, but please leave your crap out of our shows about ponies. Every time I turn around its video games this, video games that. All the forums I read are plague by video games. Give it a rest, you deviants.

Indeed, how dare they offer a free game that makes you wait to continue playing for free. I for one want my money back. *Harrumph.*

Oh broken neck flashback! Halp! T_T

Done already in Zombi-U.

Wow, so many choices! I could go with disappointing story

the game tends to a cinematic feel and 30 fps helps them achieve their goal since it isnt a fast paced game

I stopped buying into FF after X, though I'll admit I did pick up Bravely Default.

You forgot the "t" -> sTimulator. ;)

Ha! Now that would just be evil ;)

BF is really the only one I do play and I rarely hear it. Also probably helps that chat is limited to your squad.

Yeah not liking the designs with all the random bandages. Also don't like barrel-chested Knuckles.....

OK Kotaku, you've done your journalistic duty and exposed this game as a terrible rip-off with crap gameplay. Now please, if you have any journalistic integrity, stop reporting on it! Don't give this garbage any more publicity. Don't let Nguyen think he can have the world's fascination for producing such shit.

Not to single you out but a lot of commenters on this thread seem to be under the impression that black people are either A) dragons or B) didn't exist until James Brown first coalesced from the Funkuverse in 1963. There were black people in Medieval Europe. Full stop. The only thing historically inaccurate would be

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