
Because you spend all your money on your military whilst failing to stop your children dying at birth, your children attending crumbling schools, your old people dying in poverty, your police officers killing with impunity or your citizens shooting each other in work places, school and in the streets. I'd rather have

What's the protocol on armpit sweat?

I don't fault Christian Bale for wanting to be Moses as much as Ridley Scott for casting him as Moses. Actors want work, generally.

As the scene plays out, Don actually encourages Mary not to come on the show, not because it will be re-traumatizing to her, or because putting a victim in a "debate" with her rapist on live television is a really fucking terrible idea and adherent to the sensationalism Sorkin so loathes, but because she will be

i cannot wait till this is beiber in a couple years

You dog sounds like the best. She must have had a lot of love for you.

I hope a pack of wild dogs gets him.

Rabid homosexual activists

Worst answer to "So, does she have a type?" ever

Seriously white people, it's not always about you.

I love her frankness on grief and death. It doesn't go away but everyone around you expects it to so you have to pretend that you're fine and it gets even more exhausting than the grief itself.

My kids saw me dusting the mantle once, and no lie, my son's eyes lit up and he said "Ooh, yay! Are friends coming over?"

I'll send them a detailed account of my abortion, and they can focus on death and rape threats so at least we don't have to hear this bullshit for a while. I would find that less annoying.

my favs are when she sahres the cover.... with herself!

I am kicking myself so hard for not coming up with that idea first. FACT: A triangle has three sides. FACT: The average banana has fewer calories than a Big Mac. I TELL IT LIKE IT IS. Give me $85.

Judge U.U Lalit is the motherfucking man. He's the bees knees.
He also fought the 2G scam case in India, and convicted politicians and corporate assholes for stealing from public funds (appx $5 billion)
Justice Dipak Misra is gr8 too, he's amazeballs. <3333333333333333

Because it's Lying for Jesus.

My grandma used to tell us that all the time!

Agreed. My daughter is almost ten and none of this shit is even on her radar because I didn't put it there. She has asked for instagram but honestly when I asked her what it was she couldnt even tell me. There's no need for ten year olds to be on the internet unsupervised, period.

The hashbrowns. I need need their hashbrowns.