
and she never eats because her whole thing is skinny, blond white lady. trump probably makes her weigh in every week to make sure she’s not becoming a fatty.

I just moved houses and am unpacking in the new house. The amount of make up and skin care products i have is fucking ridiculous. Boxes and boxes of this crap. I never really realized it until it was all in one place and then it sort of made me sick. I knew i was a make up junkie but this is over the top. Its

we know-thats part of the reason we were so fucking pissed Trump won. Its a domino effect now. Geert has been spouting this shit for years but its only in the last few years that he’s been moved from the fringe to more main stream.

well, this is an old tradition that is changing. every year it gets less and less. now they have rainbow piet and more and more are looking dirty(like you would if you cleaned chimneys). But traditions take time to change. Sinterklaas is such a beloved institution that many people feel like you ripping away parts of

Witching Hour is one my favorite books of all time. A movie has been in the works forever...i wonder if it will ever happen. but i’ll love this too. Can’t wait for the new book that comes out in a few days!

like he literally does not understand the meaning of blind trust. and just hasn’t bothered to figure it out.

that offends me more than his unhinged rants. at least be a fucking professional and show up on time and play a full set. damnit. some people save money for months to be able to afford those tickets.

I know, right? remember how horrible they were to poor teenage chelsea? and it sucks for the kid but maybe thats something his father should have addressed before running for president. You mean they didn’t have a family meeting to discuss if everyone agreed he should run and how it would work if we won? color me

what a tool

me neither. I read the thing about Russia fixing our elections and had a complete panic attack. it feels so unreal-like we are watching the first half of an apocalyptic movie. I don’t see how we stop it...civil protests are fine and dandy but he has congress and a supreme court nominee. Where can we find the checks

mine got infected and turned red, angry and itchy for a few days.

its for real Handmaids Tale. Or Hunger Games.

is this real?

jesus fucking christ. look at that poor kid.

his testosterone levels are off the chart, i hear.....what more do you need to know?

i only recently discovered that i can buy a bag of pre-cut onion slices/blocks and just freeze what i don’t use for that days meal. i was seriously so happy you would have thought it was xmas morning.

how do you manage that? I am cooking with my 5 year old asking for his dinner and/or yelling at me from the living every 3 seconds that i need to watch him(do whatever). And my 11 month old sits literally right next to me and tugs at my pants or plays with my slippers as i try to navigate around him to make dinner.

me too. God she was perfection to a teen me. My best friend even dyed her hair red to match Angela’s. I had this cd memorized before i even saw the movie-same with the Evita CD(madonna version). I can’t get into Homeland but i will automatically watch anything with Claire Danes in it.

but if you are going to cheat-please be fucking smarter about it.

i agree with you. If my 5 year old really really doens’t want to hug grandma-thats okay. But i want him to realize what it means to refuse grandma a hug. That she loves him and misses him and wants to show affection. And its not something to be taken so lightly. Kids can be assholes-and while of course i want him to