maybe, but i still had the biggest crush on him. Everytime i see him in anything now i immediately start singing Santa Fe.
maybe, but i still had the biggest crush on him. Everytime i see him in anything now i immediately start singing Santa Fe.
she seems good now. cute family, hard worker, seems to be trying hard to create a work/life balance. she actually seems sweet to me. though i have almost no basis for this opinion except what i read/see online.
yes, very disrepectful. I am sure the activists are hangin their heads in shame.
carrying the banner
out of all of them, i get the impression that kourtney is exactly the same on and off camera. she just kind of does her thing and let the chips fall where they may.
or just wait for a bit!! jesus, its been a few weeks. if she doesn’t care about black people, her own family must be in total chaos right now, right?
i love this fucking much....
my 4 year old son thinks i am awesome because i have a huge repetoire of funny and simple songs we can sing together.
really? i had the opposite. I was a girl scout until i was in high school and i was always the one getting made fun of or bullied because of it. its okay though, GS gave me the opportunity to do tons of stuff i never would have been able to without them.
i god. i keep these people have no fucking lives. who can invest this much time and energy into an issue that has ZERO fucking effect on your life. Do your job, go home, drink a beer and talk about how much your job sucks, like the rest of us.
I feel like the producers who allowed this are the ones who ¨forced¨ PBS to postpone or cancel. The end responsibility was with them to keep the integrity of the show-not Ben.
we got caught last minute in the gift unwrapping party. we were leaving for our honeymoon next day and wanted to rest, pack etc. for whatever reason, it was just assumed we would all go our MIL’s house and unwrap “our” presents. But they forgot to inform us or thought we knew, i don’t know. So a few days before…
its not like they gave her her own weekly show to talk about waxing body parts or something...she was a guest on a show that uses celebrity guests. I get that people dont like her show or dont particuarly like her but i hate people who deny she has the right to exist.
but wouldnt this 'logic' go for all things that are annoying? how about no people that have BO fly? How about loud talkers not fly? how about fucking brits on their bachorlette party not fly? kids are no more or less horrible than many groups that fly.
i know. don’t most people want to live in a kid free building? even people(especially people) with kids themselves? The problem is so rarely the kids and almost always the adults.
but then you have to say no kids under 12 or something. or no kids. like no pets. my kid was almost an angel until he turned 3...and now he is whole different kettle of worms. kids go through phases and changes. Whats more important than the kids behavior in that one incident is how the parents ‘parent’ the child.
sounds like your bf is on remicade-i loved that shit. after i gave birth, i got immune to it and had to switch to something that worked less well. One thing that has really helped me with the immune system issues are smoothies. We bought a nutribullet and its such a great way to get fruit and veggies (most people with…
i actually use pot for my crohns too(but i live in holland so i just go to the coffeeshop and buy some). Not only does it help with appetite but it stops my intestines from spasming and slows them down so i am not running to the bathroom every 5 minutes. it relaxes the muscles and helps with the cramps-better and…
i just dont think thats true. I have had crohns for 20 years now and the biggest correlation is between siblings, not parent/offspring. and even parent/offspring is something like 9-15 percent. i can understand being concerned or whatever for the kids but unless you are in the situation yourself you cant possibly…
no shit, right? want me jerk you off?