mine is usually just random handfuls of whatever we have in the house and requires very little prep.
mine is usually just random handfuls of whatever we have in the house and requires very little prep.
i am always amazed at the women who want to get pregnant again right away or even consider that possibility. my nether regions were a fucking no go zone for about 3 months after birth and absolutely nothing happened before i had an IUD in me. Everyone is different but i was super scared to have sex again and knew FOR…
Ten things i hate about you is definitely NOT crap.
like Arnold!
agree! she is the only one who didn’t even want to do the stupid show and i think that she is exactly the same in person(kinda bitchy, funny, just doing her own thing) as she is on the “show” and with fans. I feel like she would be doing the exact same thing(maybe smaller house, less cars) if the show didn’t exist.
aww..i am sorry for you. I cannot imagine how heartbreaking it is to see your son excluded from things. And kids CAN be mean little assholes. Thats why i wondering if you really should force your kid to go to a party he doesn’t want too. Because what if all the kids showed up and excluded the bday girl or made fun or…
okay-thats allowed
cant watch the videos b/c i am not in the states. :( i actually like all these people so thats a bummer.
thats part of the point too, though. To learn how little food you can buy with your allottment. and how spending money on fresh produce may not be the best route to feeding your family the actual calories required to live. I am sure it was a shock to her. When(if ever) did she ever consider price when food shopping?
yeah, i mean...someone who sent that e-mail to you doesn’t really seem like much of a friend anyway. I have a friend who posts his run time with runkeeper or whatever every.single.time. he goes for a jog. Which is a lot. Of course its annoying and of course i don’t care. But at this moment in time, thats important to…
there is a lot of stuff that is discouraging and shitty but it doesn’t make it any less true. i personally think its more important that people understand how these things work. you choose what you want to do with that information. knowledge is power, right?
but unfortunately thats the system we have. i mean, vote your conscious, i wouldn’t tell anyone whom to vote for. but until there is some real, sustained grassroots movement to get funding and support for them-voting for a third party candidate just splits the vote of the lesser evil.
i think this is the first time i have ever heard her sing, i just assumed she couldn't. Good for her, she did great....makes me miss Whitney though...
why would you report someone nominating a mascara that works for them? different things work for different people. I have used Miss Manga and i hate it-doesn't mean its necessarily a bad mascara or you are stupid for liking it. It means it didn't work for me but Great Lash does.
why would you report someone nominating a mascara that works for them? different things work for different people. I…
i never read the books but to be honest i didn't mind the scene. I actually thought right until the end that he was going to say...Okay, the boys want me to beat you, so let's pretend i am beating you, okay? It was humiliating and gross, as it was supposed to be. And i actually think Claire was being pretty unfair to…
no shit. we had the same thing. my guy just never has been a good sleeper, from day one. but neither am i, so i get it. My husband moved him out of our room at about 3 weeks since i had been forced to stop breast feeding. i just couldnt relax at all with him next to me making all these(adorable) noises. But i wasnt…
I am a big fan of the revlon ones too...the big crayon looking ones. i find that even the most expensive long lasting lipsticks arent long lasting-at least on me. my fav. thing at the moment is using the revlon lip stains and then putting clarins instant light lip perfector on top. Makes my lips look fantastic.
*gasp*, i love Civil Wars-but they are no more, right? and thanks to Jia for introducing me to these lovely ladies....this is my favorite type of music. Will check out if their touring near Amsterdam!
I completely forgot about cut it out. I used to do it with the handmotions. i mean, it was fine for its time and place but you just cant bring that shit back. have you ever watched an old Saved by the Bell? Its horrible tv.