By that logic all oppressed minority groups would empathize with all other oppressed minority groups, and historically that certainly hasn't been the case.
By that logic all oppressed minority groups would empathize with all other oppressed minority groups, and historically that certainly hasn't been the case.
He's saying that today you can support a racist policy (like stop and frisk), refuse to acknowledge issues regarding intersectionality and representation (hi, Lesley and Lena!!), and contribute to a racist society, all without being called a racist. It doesn't begin and end with black workers being hired for civil war…
"Ya see, the simple, biblical truth is that there are just some things that Men are naturally better at and some things that Women are naturally better at. That's why we should take grade school children and drill those differences into their impressionable heads. Otherwise, how will they grow up naturally?"
On the upside, you don't have a soul!
"I have nothing against gay people, but..."
Actually, Grace is a religious college, and therefore are not LGBT friendly. In their bylaws it states any sort of immoral, non-Christian conduct (including premaritial hetero or homosexual sex) is grounds for a judicial hearing. So, even though it is 2013, they really can "just do shit like that." I know the couple…
This is a pretty common scenario at Christian colleges. I attended a conservative Christian college in Ohio, and like most of my classmates, I'd been almost totally sheltered for my entire life. I had exactly zero life experience outside right-wing Christianity and as a result, I had little idea of who I was, or even…
First of all, fuck you, you obviously do have something against gay people. Also, she didn't come out, she told one person who thought would keep it to themself. Apparently someone is supposed to wait until they're 22 to start living their own, honest life?
Never let the majority vote on the rights of the minority. It's fucking bullshit that LGBT aren't protected under that act, a fucking joke.
"Grace University receives federal Title IV funding under the Higher Education Act of 1965. This prohibits them from discriminating against individuals protected by the Civil Rights Act of 1964, including racial, ethnic, national and religious minorities, and women. However this does not prohibit them from…
This whole comment section is a clusterfuck. I guess I shouldn't be surprised; Jezebel doesn't do too well outside it's relatively narrow purview, but... Geeze. Another response to me referenced activists "howling" for an executive order (howling! like animals! get it??). I don't even know what to say to that. People…
I don't remember this level of urgency during the Clinton administration, either. And certainly not this level of accountability.
You are right, it does take many years for advances to be made as a community. But this movement hasn't been around for only 6 years, we didn't just show up when Obama became president. We have been petitioning for these rights since the beginning of the gay rights movement (1969) and even before then.
Are we…
Look, I get that he may be playing a long game, but surely you can understand why people are upset and distrustful. It's not easy to watch the debate over ENDA drag on when your actual livelihood is in peril. I know people who have lost their jobs for being gay. They are in the same industry that I am in and, as I…
ctrl +f'd this and the 3 articles linked and the only place the words "homophobe" and "bigot" show up in this post is in your comment, so....[citation needed].
Whoa! I can't stand it when people make such dramatic inferences like this. Who called him a homophobe or a bigot?
That happens with race all. the. time. You don't see these things because they don't affect you. But they do happen. I think the key here is a) never make the ignorant ass presumption that oppressed group x is "more" or "less" or "more overtly" oppressed than another, and b) never try to back that presumption up…