Zeek Is A Geek

They are so happy because they are about to push it off that cliff.

Yeah. One semester I used my student loans to buy a Fiat 850 Spyder. Good times.

Grandma is probably like my age—40.

I had one of these. I would need the entire population of the Denver pound to track down all the squeaks.

Yes! That guy yesterday who is taking his American car to the U.K.? No way! They have all sorts of options, and as boring as these are half of them are at least more interesting than what you can buy here. Or different, anyway.

Remember when this was our image of electric cars?

Doesn’t an 3.2 second 0-60 point *to* AWD, not RWD? I.e. it’s as fast as an AWD Tesla.

We’re just not sure what to do with him.

I once seriously considered putting a Suzuki Cavalcade motor, complete with 6 speed sequential shift transmission, into an MG Midget.

I know.

Two door convertible suvs? Never!

Wait until the last second to change out of a turn only lane. I am paying taxes on both sides of the road!

...which it says allows the technology to develop and learn like a human brain would

Yeah! Azteks should definitely not be allowed.

1968 Ford LTD at the top of Cinnamon Pass in Colorado. We felt ripped off for paying for a Jeep rental.

You can use one of the rust holes for the bolt to hold the GoPro in place.

You know how you fix being a poseur suburbanite who has never been on a gravel road? You find a gravel road and tear it the hell up! And maybe a mud bog. Or a rocky trail. But don’t tear up the trail, that’s for the douche bags in the Jeep commercials. Point is, get a Jeep and enjoy it for the stuff it can do that no

I’ve had it with these mother-frunking snakes on this mother-frunking Tesla!

Thanks Trump!

That’s an inevitable result of using forced-induction.