When I rolled my e39 540i a month after buying it (FYI traction control is not the same as stability control) this thing broke my collarbone. Might have saved my life too so I can’t complain. Smelled like I had been in a shootout.
When I rolled my e39 540i a month after buying it (FYI traction control is not the same as stability control) this thing broke my collarbone. Might have saved my life too so I can’t complain. Smelled like I had been in a shootout.
Nah. It was a couple hundred bucks and we decided it wasn’t worth it. Still, the truck wasn’t damaged and the beater Civic she was driving wasn’t damaged too bad either (now with matching scrapes on the front AND rear doors!). Would have been nice if they had just let it slide.
My wife was hit by a city dump truck that just basically changed lanes without paying attention. The police showed up, chatted with the driver and basically said that it’s not the trucks fault if they hit you from the side making it your responsibility to get out of the way. And that because it was a city vehicle she…
Go off reading. A day in a Jeep and you go like 20 miles and you drain 2/3 of your tank. That’s why those CJs, with their mid-century I-6 and a 10 gallon tank, always had Jerry cans.
I hated this episode. First episode of top gear I just stopped watching. I have seen them all, until now. God I hope that this show gets better.
The rim wasn’t moving. What was happening in the differential? Was the traction control deciding that there was an issue and rerouting power to the back to keep her moving?
They are definitely transportation. When a friend of my dad’s asked me what I was into when I was a kid I answered cars, planes, trains and he said “oh! You’re into transportation!” That stuck with me. Should I add elevators to that list?
I think it’s a combination of you getting older and GM’s products getting better. Happened to me with Cadillac 10 years ago. Still bought a BMW, though. I’m not dead yet.
Millennialis are too smart to hang on to an old VW bug that long.
Really? Because I went through three sets of motor mounts in my XJ over 100,000 miles. With my puny 4.0. Can’t imagine what a HEMI would do while locked into 4:1 low on my Atlas transfer case.
I used to own both of these vehicles. Just, uh, separately. The Sidekick was the most reliable car I ever owned and the MINI the least.
I am trying to figure out how to cleanly mount rally lights on my Fiat 500x. There is no kit. I know! Judge me!
Right! If VW won’t buy it back maybe I should.
I was a republican until Tuesday so maybe I should switch to communism. Nice rides you have there comrade.
Excellent. Now I know what I am going to do with my upcoming 1%er tax cut.
I had an S10 pickup and an XJ. They weren’t even close.
In Miami Vice (near the end of the run) they had an EMP device that would fry the, uhm, electronics of the perps 70s and 80s cars. Turns out it is real.