It may not be a road, but that doesn't make me want to drive on it any less.
It may not be a road, but that doesn't make me want to drive on it any less.
@Ray Wert: I just want to make sure my fanbase is maintained... you know how that is ;)
Come on Ray, my man, where's my Hat Tip? I've been out at client sites so much lately, I have to keep my jalop-cred up!
@tunsky: and had a gas powered V-8!
Zeeboid to toy cars that cost 30-100k and claim to save the earth or score you Carbon Credit points just for purchasing: (See above)
@blkwings: Governmenet fails at everythign they do... why give them any more control?
@OhNoEzanEscalade!!!11!: thats why I said "I don't care who he votes for, so long as companies are for LESS government, thats all I ask. "
@smokyburnout: oh god, I can't see a third of the color wheel any more after looking at that thing.
@00000000: Isn't that fun, your a ciminal because you didn't affect anyone at all? I am not a fan of victimless crimes.
@87CapriceEstate thinks Ebay license plates are pricey: Either that or Bill & Ted: Escape from Your Mom's Bedroom
@Jackie: I too am torn.
@RocketSled: correction, a "perfect" five-speed has six forward gears, and one reverse.
@Effin' Eh: If we punish those who make more money, what is the benifit to actually working harder?
@NomadaNare: so, what are you saying? If I say "Smaller government is better then larger government"... then what are you saying, larger government is better?
@spectralveil: I have worked with government run healthcare before. A group out in California for example, was completely run by the local government. Their project was beyond its completion date by 2 years and over budget by 6 million (the original budget was 7 million) and they wanted another 11-15 million to…
@cheeezwhiz: yea, that was a stupid move too, just didn't mention it because it goes without saying. they shouldn't be bailed out either. government shouldn't be picking winners, because they are super bad at it... like most everythign else they dy.
@blkwings: tax rates go UP as you get paid more, not down. in fact, the upper 50% of people being taxed pay 98% of the taxes in the country.
After see'in that, I'm sport'in a power buldge.