
@Teran McKinney: no. Proping the underprivalaged by being posative to them and negative to the majority is called being "progressive"

@nick2ny: it wasn't 90, he said "I hit 140 in like 6 or less seconds lol"

@metros11: Sometimes you need Pants.

@luisthebeast: how is it the make with the bold actin?

That is a nice view of the parking ramp, much like this is a nice view of the beach.

that guy is diong it wrong.

@pauljones: we need more laws, obviously. Someone call President Obama. He'll hope and change us.

I drove on highway 24 at speeds ranging from 70-115. passed everyone like they were standing still. slowed down just in time to pass a cop. He was all up ons, but I got out of the car before he could have an excuse to stop me. he parked behind my car for a mn. I got out and waved at him, with a big grin on my face. If

@vinod1978: "The housing market was based on a perceived value that was unjustifiably raised year over year."

@wkiernan: Yes it is. I am a meatatarian... my diatary requirements require thee or more animals to have died for my meal.

@ishigakisensei: Thats funny. Because at no point did I say anything about oil.

@TheAntiCat: my thoughts when I saw that at first too.

@CivicRallyFan: so how many awd cars do you know of with a low/high range that let you put them to 2wd?

I prefer the other kind of Mary Jane