
Need more lift. Here, let me show you.

Chrysler Corperation,

oh look, an article about Saab...

@BrtStlnd: realy!? I haven't seen one that (from the outside) looks any diffrent then stock. maybe we're going to diferent car shows... That in itself is a shame.

@Fat Tire: my favorite annogram for "murdered out" is "Outed Red Rum"

@Drujon: inspection... pshhhhhh. gatta move to another state if you have to worry about inspection!

Ok ok... We have 350 horse manual transmission in a 4 door RWD American car. that is epic win.

@ishigakisensei: I fear no religion. Christianity, or the Church of Global Warming.

Right. A mid-engined Corvette. that will happen. and Global Warming is caused by man.