@dal20402: no, but the rental agreement basically says "If there is a ticket for when you have the car, we will just pay it"
@dal20402: no, but the rental agreement basically says "If there is a ticket for when you have the car, we will just pay it"
I rent cars all the time for work. stuff like this is in the rental agreement.
@Beldrueger: I prefer to look at it as railing against those who try to use government to force their religion (Church of Global Warming) onto other people.
@Skunky: Good Eye. Ben should issue a retraction.
This is why people who are members of the Church of Global Warming are Asshats.
@comedian: I am glad to see someone else watches the boondocks. I have un-heart-clicked you just so that I could heart you again jus tnow.
@Datsun_John: I looked for that image before posting and could not find. I am glad someone else remembered seeing it enough to know the title!
Silly, all you have to do is route the exhaust directly into the intake manifolds and the pressure will mount exponetally until a black hole is created.
@wayward.squanderer: +1
The distruction of halo cars like this is why Chrysler is getting it's ass kicked.
@I can be stig?: yes
"My Long, Hard Attempt To Grasp The Corvette"
LOL, if ANY OF THEM can stay running. the brit's are about as good at their automotive dependability as they are at managing their colonies.
put an obama bumper sticker on it.
@Turbineguy - now with reheat!!: yea, the 1970 just started to get ugly.
mmm, 1968. most of us prefer the tail lights from the 1969, but I would be happy with either year.