
Wait. Being part of the majority in a society is easy!? WOAH.

When is the west getting some 1080p OTA broadcasting? This 1080i interlaced nonsense sucks. SUCKS.

What the actual fuck, rofl. These greenpeace nutters are getting crazier and crazier.

It's a blog.

Honestly thought this was a braless wonder.

Woah, someone is hot and bothered. You're making baseless claims about my upbringing, employment prospects, and seemingly purposely misinterpret my words for the sake of taking counterpoint. Hell, if I didn't know any better I'd call you a troll.

This from the same state which has by-laws (in some areas) decreeing that if your car is older than 10 years old, it must be parked out of sight, lest you be fined.


Canadian GOVERNMENT's budget.*

I was referring to public healthcare BUT healthcare in general is expensive. You pay for the time of dozens of professionals to work for hours to patch you up. Public healthcare drives these costs up even further, and are a massive expense (56% of the Canadian budget goes to healthcare)

Just like education, healthcare, welfare, bureaucracies, etc.

Yet another nail in the coffin; government involvement in industry axiomatically skyrockets costs.

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Hmmm... so it WAS based on actual Japanese history?!

Yes, you can use any keyboard available on the market (devs port them) on Android.

Great idea, I'll be making one this summer for 1/500th of the price this thing must cost.

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Today we salute you, guy who clicks banner ads.

You know, McDonalds has responded to all the criticism about its food being mega bad for you and its now healthier than most other fast food places (though that's still not exactly healthy).

Funny, SSBB looks much better than this so far.

A good point from what you think is true, but here's a couple things you'll find interesting: