
I was referring to heavy taxation, regulation, etc., not government overspending on agencies.

I hate the whole notion that the company has to define the user experience in a walled garden. I, and many people like myself, much prefer being able to shape it to be my own. We want to create and install skins, tweak performance and functionality, etc, on EVERYTHING. As such, I hate to see Sony trying to create

Platinum and gold are essential in electronics manufacturing, space satellite manufacturing, toilets, etc. Lowering the cost of these metals will open doors for newer products to become feasible and affordable, fostering innovation, etc. It'll pave the way for bigger, more elaborate electronics that are more

I bet my ex girlfriend is on there.

So............ They're protesting a company that uses clean coal that releases negligible CO2 onto earth which raises-ahem, CHANGES,- global temperatures, effecting animals' habitats?

I've never understood kids' obsession with alcohol.

yeah it basically has grommets everywhere and tons of space on the far side. Cables simply run from whatever, disappear behind the grommets, then the cable pops out again exactly where it needs to go. Leaves as little cables as possible, and looks great.

It's a corsair 600T white edition

Sorry. Edited it to embiggin

Desktop processors kick far more ass than their laptop counterparts; can be overclocked to go mind-bendingly fast.

If you build it yourself, you can get water cooling, an SSD plus a hard drive, and a Sapphire GTX 680, and this case with lots of cooling.

Now playing

Finally, we can take our natural and mine more minerals.

Yet another reason why nerds will rule the world.

of course, they'll fill it with an abundant supply of hot air.

Who, this Al Gore?

Works in Ontario

Oh look, clips.

Obviously anyone who own this rig plays Zerg.

literally inb4