Why, do you have a party to go to?
Why, do you have a party to go to?
You don't have to have Thanksgiving to be racists. If you're trying to make the argument that Australia is less racist than the U.S. you might as well just give it a rest. Both countries are settler colonial countries, which by nature requires an enormous degree of racism to achieve. Both countries are extremely…
Fuck Ann Coulter.
Oh, no. Not at all. I'm sure you were all just as fair and honest with the Australian indigenous as we were here with the Native Americans, right? No genocide or racism there, hm? And since the Klan started in the U.S. you all should just feel totally free to dress up like a Klansmen at racist costume parties to your…
KKK = horrific
Ha, well I didn't take from your comment that you'd do that. I figured you're trying to guess what was going through his mind. Honestly I really think they're just a bunch of racists and I think they triangulated "Africa —> slavery in America —> racism in the South —> KKK" I don't think it's anything more or less than…
Nope, sorry. You're giving them too much credit. Even if he had the self-awareness to be ironic about his costume, irony can still be racist. If you think a party theme is racist, it should really really bother you. And maybe you should not go. And maybe you should question why you are associated with people who would…
Uh wayelllll, considering her party was themed "Africa" and at that prompting this guy's strongest correlation was "Ku Klux Klan" I'm gonna venture out on a limb here and assume he is in fact a member of the KKK, or at least an unabashed and particularly virulent racist.
What the fuckin what??
Um. So if you dress up as a member of the KKK for funsies and you enjoy doing that, hate to break it to you but that ain't a costume. Congrats, you are a member of the Klan as far as I'm concerned.
Yes it is. What difference does that make?
Sounds good on paper, except one thing I learned about reality is that companies will always find loop holes and ways around labor laws to generally fuck over their low-level employees. It's pretty tough to overwork people if they are forced to take at least one day off a week because stores are not allowed to be open…
Yes because businesses are so much wiser than "religious" laws. How inconvenient that "religious" laws are also labor laws that prevent corporations from overworking their employees like in the U.S. Maybe Sephora and can partner with some fine American chains and force the French to adhere to "Black Friday" and lucky…
Um nyyyeewwww it's not. My grandfather did not know how to clean, cook, do laundry and all that jazz because he came from THE GREATESTEST GENERATION and his wife did everything for him. mmmkay? Enough with the Millenial bashing. It's old as fuck.
I think she's a really pretty brunette, but honestly I don't remember seeing her with any other hair color, other than like, blue.
I figured she was wearing a similar amount, but I always had this feeling that I didn't know what she actually looked like no matter how many times I'd seen her, what with all the heavy doll make-up and wigs.
She's real pretty. Her face has a retro look to it, like pin-up girl. There's nothing wrong with strong features! I have a young Eastern European relative with a strong nose. She looks a lot like Monica Vitti, a beautiful Italian actress. She wanted to get a nose job and I was like, "NO, are you kidding?" People…
She's pretty, and actually way prettier without all the make-up.
Nopes, mostly from her message on the picture and her response to criticism.
I don't agree brah. There is nothing, absolutely nothing healthy about this woman or the image she is projecting to the world. The fact she's flaunting her very thin frame and states she's "not naturally thin" and that she's using her body as a means of guilting, judging and feeling superior to others all point to…