How strange! Why that's MY message to the GOP as well! What a coincidence.
How strange! Why that's MY message to the GOP as well! What a coincidence.
They also randomly decided to start attacking Mr. Rogers like 5 years after he died. For like no reason just because. I don't know who watches Fox News but it's sort of like this alternate reality bubble. Literally. It's just this place where shit gets made up for people to get mad and scared about. And apparently a…
The American corporate media has in relatively recent years abandoned hiring actual journalists and analyzing issues in a well-researched, historical and insightful way. Instead they hire talking heads and try to keep Americans triggered, anxious and on their toes about non-issues, all for ratings. It's really…
The American corporate media has in relatively recent years abandoned hiring actual journalists and analyzing issues in a well-researched, historical and insightful way. Instead they hire talking heads and try keeping Americans triggered, anxious and on their toes about non-issues, all for ratings. It's really…
mm hmm.
I know! It's so ludicrous!
Lol yeah she's really not impressive. Why is she such an A-lister anyway? Lot of far more talented actresses out therrrr
"In real life" lol
Women don’t become hateful upon finding out their husbands are running a massive profitable drug empire, they become filled with tingles and respect for him.
Call the wahmbulance, we got us a cryer!
Hmm... I see how the brows and eyes are similar but the proportions of their faces, I don't think so. Janelle's eyes are set further apart and she has more of a heart-shape to her face, more pronounced cheek bones and a different demeanor. Both pretty.
The other question is how do you "not allow" someone to do something or not do something in bed?
Kudos to you. I find The Silent Treatment infuriating and may end up slashing a motherfucker.
Uh.. what makes you think I'm a white man? I'm not saying he can't be called a child stealer based on what was done to his ancestors. I'm saying I'm not sure that's a fair label based on the overall situation. And I'm also explaining to you why laws are in place that protect Native children from being taken from…
I really wish she would put her tongue back inside her head. Why do my eyes constantly have to be assaulted by the sight of her tongue? Tongues are not an attractive part of the body. That's probably why they are inside the mouth. I don't want to see it. I just dent wanna seeit.
Fair enough. I think that the reason genocide tangentially plays into it is because ICWA is a result of the genocide and it got wrapped around this case. In a way it does but I can also agree with what you're saying. At the same time, the child has the right to her ancestry. There is an ongoing systemic problem of…
What are you talking about? Why do you put genocide in quotations? Are you completely ignorant or are you trolling?
You seem to be reading a lot of your own experiences into this case, perhaps. I'm not saying he is NOT a cad. He may well be. But being familiar with toxic relationships myself, it appears they were both emotionally blackmailing each other and using the baby as collateral. This is sadly not uncommon in dysfunctional…
What in the Sam Hill are you talking about? The mother put the child up for adoption. How do you conclude he "stole" the child? It's his child, is it not? How do you "steal" your own child?
are you kidding me? This is the best news I've had all year. Like it really is the best news I've had all year. Yes my year has been that shitty. I will pay to watch this movie, however. And I can't think of a way that I could walk out disappointed so long as they both have those haircuts in the movie.