Zachary Mulcahey

Boot camps absolutely work. I went to a boot camp for a week and got hired 2 weeks later by the same company. I get paid a fair amount above minimum wage, nothing crazy but good for 18 just out of high school.

Why did she only pull from spotify? I use Google Play All Access(still a mouth full) and her songs are still available. Is she only doing this because spotify pays the least out of the services i.e: Beats, Itunes, Amazon, Google etc. or is she trying to apply this to all streaming services?

I think Nintendo is going to steal the show. They seem to be the only ones who are really in a position to impress. Sony and Microsoft are still in their first year of the new gen and everyone knows the best games come in year 2+ so they won't have many exclusives to show off. Microsoft is going to have a really weak

I was wondering when we would get CGEye technology...

How is there not like a million structural failures. Those things shut me down when I have like 3 pieces on my rocket

I completely disagree with everything your saying. Driving in the snow/ice is a no-brainer you go slower and start stopping sooner. Salt is only effective if the temperature is within a few degrees of freezing and snow plows plow SNOW not ICE which is the real trouble causer on the roads. I believe this is more about

Love whole milk. I only drink whole milk except for when the cafeteria at school(back in like elementary school) decided that shit *ahem* skim milk was better for us. After that I drank nothing but water at school.

I feel like this is such a common theme for Nintendo. Nintendo releases really cool but underpowered hardware and third party developers bitch and moan about it and stop making games while Nintendo makes some of the highest rated titles of the generation focusing on gameplay and story not graphics or multiplayer.

I had the same problem for the longest time, with Pandora especially. I would go through all of the hassle of thumbs-upping and thumbs-downing all the various songs and would just end up with garbage. After a while I gave up on internet radio but when Google play all access was made available I got that for I was/am

My name for just about everything is "Zdwagz". This came about when I was around 10 and was making my first gmail(how exciting) I meant to type "Zdawgz" because I thought it seemed cool at the time. Well after not noticing my mistake my older brother pointed it out and I have decided to stick with it ever since, I

I remember these same stories from a few years ago regarding the 3DS, Nintendo releases the hardware and makes it know that it exists and then in the next 2 years releases killer software to drive sales.

Funny thing, since the XBONE uses Blu-Ray they have to license it from the Blu-ray Disk Association which Sony is on the Board of Directors for meaning for every XBONE and XBONE game, physical of course, sold Sony will be making money.

That game looked so good, like I think I need to pull a Cartman and freeze myself until it come out....

I miss the G4 coverage :(

I really see just "One" catching on, I mean "Hey man is that the new One?"

I have some big problems with this, I live in Doswell, Virginia which has no high speed internet access and 3g cell coverage is one bar for every carrier. Having an always online system would essentially not allow me to own this and that's a damn shame because it's probably going to be one hell of a piece of hardware.

If they could beam me the internet and the latest games, I would sign up in a heart beat.

What you are seeing is the texture, for unlike the vita touchpad, which is smooth, the DualShock 4s touchpad is textured with small bumps.

From what I have assessed it's not an argument of whether or not guns can be dangerous but more of an argument of freedom. People don't want anyone to tell them that they can't have something and the gun debate is more of a stand for personal rights than anything else.