I guess this is the new standard ignorant response. They know it is career suicide to suggest they don't like it, so they stick to a "your cause is so dumb, I will ignore it" stance.
I guess this is the new standard ignorant response. They know it is career suicide to suggest they don't like it, so they stick to a "your cause is so dumb, I will ignore it" stance.
Anyone who has followed college basketball during the Collins twins' time at Stanford, or watched any playoff games at all when the Nets went to the finals knows who Jason Collins is. He is not a star but very well known.
I hope not. I never knew it had a name, but I always felt that it was the single best C-pillar design in passenger cars. I'm not joking.
Could be masculine
Blood, nails. Jesus.
It just gets funnier the longer I watch it. I have nothing snarky to say. If this was completely spontaneous then it is genius.
Note to Jerome: Spiz'Ikes are not real Jordans
As I scrolled further and further, I thought with cautious optimism that People Mover would be #1.
Wow, you are really into the rareness of your car.
You just belittled other people with your rare car.
No, he's your boss.
Damn, I felt bad for thinking the girl from Bridesmaids looked so similar to that girl on Mike & Molly.
Hours spent etching: 5000
I love mighty cocks. The best kind
WAR after a 1-0 start: 2.0
I thought it was strange that the trainer used the towel on the leg. Isn't it one of the most contaminated and infection-inducing things you could put on an open wound (or *shudder* bare bone)?
yoosunuvabich +1
Ugh, this just stinks.
FatBain is coming for YOU.
I am pretty sure he wears Black Fleece by Brooks Bros.