
Oh, the one with the plastic bag?

Spending hours on this raid and getting some lame-ass drill sounds almost as bad as spending $60 and getting Fallout 76.

Maybe, and I know this might be hard to wrap you’re head around, but just maaaaybe it ISN’T about you.

Thank you for sharing that link. I’m usually pretty well informed about what goes on in gaming, such is what my job calls for, but I’d somehow missed this. I’m asking the staff about it and seeing if we can cover it without simply being super-late to it.

Your explanation is good, but next time try not ending your comment by being a raging ass trumpet. You’ll make more friends that way :)

I know right? He took a hard turn left and went full ass hole

Did you have to go full asshole on him at the end of your reply?

weird humblebrag 

If you think this is rough, try being a dad with full custody of a daughter.

Yeah! Look at these assholes not being real PATRIOTS! No hands on hearts and hats not off! The gall!!

Citations Needed Podcast- Episode 59 - National Pastimes: Mindless Militarism in American Sports

I was walking to my seat at Camden Yards, hat on, toddler and diaper bag in hands and the anthem started playing. Before I could let out a groan, this old Fox News patriot hag immediately smacked me on the back of the head and told me how offended she was that I wouldn’t remove my hat. She then proceeded to tell me

Wally’s mother spoke to KPAX

If we HAVE to stand for a specific song, and HAVE to put our hands on our hearts or risk getting jacked are we really free?

Higher chance of him having to eat a bear’s ass in prison

Getting slammed head first into the ground does less brain damage than regularly watching FOX news 

I’ve found Russian trolls just can’t quite get the vernacular of basement trolls, though. I vote Russian troll on this one.

I wondered why Yoda was commenting on Splinter...

It just keeps coming back to you, doesn’t it? Sunday morning, when the details (and the partial video) or the El Paso shooter being gently apprehended and walked quietly away from the scene where he murdered over 20 mostly-hispanic people just brought it back to me again, like a bolt of heat lightning.

Benjamin was interesting because he was part of the front end of the Boomers, which didn’t come of age having lived through WWI, the Depression, WWII or any other major hardship. His money poured fuel on his “what do I do now?” aimlessness. He didn’t have anything to animate him, which is (or at least was) rare for a