
I’m not sure what being “old” or “European” has got to do with anything. Venice was founded in 1932, Cannes in ‘46, Berlin in ‘51 - all of which are younger than the Academy Awards, where, as anybody paying attention this year could tell you, there’s nearly as much trepidation and “controversy” about the inclusion of

Really loving the assumption that it’s only because it’s a Russian app that your privacy and data security are threatened.

And this is worse than an app built by the Americans that’ll take your information for god knows what?

GoT is many things, but slavish fanservice was never their thing, really.

Its ok to offend racists. Fuck them. Why would you worry about offending them?

Imagine being “offended” because your game includes PoCs and women. That’s not what’s happening here. It’s not like this game is going for a serious tone or historical accuracy. Let’s not “both sides” this crap with false equivalences.

“I believed it was a hostage situation,” he testified, the Herald reported. “It appeared he was screaming for mercy or for help or something. In my mind, the white male had a gun.”

Kidelo, why don’t you trust the police?

I think it gets complicated by the company’s context of botching so much of social media and some of the rumblings from the show floor about how this latest demo was handling race. That’s a problem with the genre as a whole, but it doesn’t sound like 2077 is approaching that sort of thing with the greatest sense of

Of all the reactions to this story in the comments (many of them rightly condemning DD and pushing for a lengthy—if not lifetime—Twitch ban, because holy violation of privacy, Batman), the dude who felt the need to trot out “but what about the women who stream with visible cleavage” is perhaps my favorite.

And by

Being scantily clad on Twitch doesn’t violate California penal codes.

I see now it's women's fault he's an asshole

I also live-stream children using the bathroom when I get bored with my job. Totally relatable.

They have a point. You’re here, and that equals ad dollars. You think you’re being critical, but you’re the mark. Your choice to engage with the content out of spite is the point. You got played, and all because they know you’re too smug to just walk on by something you don’t like without whining about it.

I read this whole page in Arnold Schwarzenegger’s voice.

You know I have no problem with Stannis or Dany’s arcs ending with them becoming zealots bent on getting to the Iron Throne no matter the cost. In fact, the books hint that that’s where the characters are going. Because one of the major underlying thing of ASoIaF and GoT is that the quest for power in a feudalistic

He totally just ceded control to Tyrion at the end there!  “Well, i guess im gonna go watch Dragons.  Have fun ruling the Kingdom!”

so that the show could use its budget in less episodes

Arya Stark brings smallpox to the indigenous people of the Western continent and accidentally kills far more people than Daenerys Targaryen could kill with her Dragons.