
There was a time in my early teens when I used to like Hohlbein; until I discovered how formulaic his novels were. I think it was for christmas once that I got his three latest novels, and I eagerly sucked them up within two weeks or so: it was basically the same story told three times, only reskinned with norse

I'm sorry, but I think that assessment is very much wrong. Science is not crucial to the narrative of Gravity. Gravity, or the lack thereof, is crucial to the narrative. But gravity itself is not science, it is an object of science, something studied by scientists. If you don't draw that line, every movie ever made is

Of course you would exclude Star Wars from Science Fiction. Why would you include it? It has nothing, nothing to do with science. Lightsabers are the best example of that: you can just swap them with standard medieval swords and it has no impact on the story. Star Wars is nothing more than a fairy tale in space. Being

Love the comment, given that once a year or so, King in some interview rants about how much Kubrick's adaptation of his novel totally sucks. LOL. It's definitely a great movie, though. :-)

Thank you so much for mentioning The Saboteur, it's my favourite game of this generation.

Trying to take the discussion back to the original comic might seem like a sensible idea at first glance, but ultimately misses the point. This is not about the comic, it is about the t-shirt. This whole controversy has never really been about the comic, but about Mike's reactions to criticism of it, and particularly

Wait, who do you mean by "those that are different from the norm"? What norm?

Interestingly, in the 1990s there was a number of novels imagining US homegrown terrorists as neuro-nontypical (Leviathan, Glamorama, Fight Club, Spectacular Happiness...), suggesting the inability to fit into hegemonic models of masculinity as the main problem. I'll be sure to check out this novel to see if it

There certainly are intentional acts that may be traced to racism/sexism, but the -ism itself is not intentional. You do not choose to be sexist, you do not choose to be racist. Those are a set of believes you acquire growing up in a certain environment. And these same believes can give rise to behavior that is not

What do you mean? Pain is a feeling, and feelings are always physical. There are no metaphysical feelings. As long as I didn't break your foot stepping on it, it's also "just" hurt feelings. And you could also just swallow it and ignore me stepping on your foot just as you could ignore me insulting you. But I'd prefer

When will people understand that 1) pointing out the lack of intention does not improve the situation (racism, sexism etc are always unintended; that precisely is the problem) and 2) if-apologies are no apologies?

Painkiller: Hell & Damnation was indexed. You can still rent it or buy it if you are an adult. It was neither censored nor banned/seized by a court order. If it were (like e.g. Dead Rising 2), it would also be illegal for you to import it from a neighboring country.

Germany does not censor any media, and German judges rarely ever ban anything.

I really, really hate to bring this up, and I don't want to start a flame war, but did anyone notice how he mentions being married to a woman at the beginning of the talk?

Funniest video game moment of 2013's first half

Call ME crazy, but I like hurting other people, and wearing something fancy while I'm at it.

If you're talking exclusives, I'd agree with your pick, but if you're talking any game that runs on a PS3, I'd still go with Tomb Raider. Did not expect it to blow me away the way it did, and it also felt more survival-horrific to me than the Last of Us. There is something so deeply disturbing about Lara's development

Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, hands down.