
PS+ for the PS3 includes an optional feature (which by default is set to "off") to download firmware updates automatically. You can then install them manually whenever you like, or not at all as I chose to with this update, obviously.

I'll triple that offer!


I love The Saboteur, my favourite game this gen!

Wait, what?? NooooooOoooooooo...!!!

Great, now I wanna play Death Ray Manta. Stabbing everyone to death who doesn't swim out of the way!

Looks like you got a wrong impression of how Metacritic arrives at their scores, it's not just simple maths. Check this out.

Are those speakers the Bose Companion 2? I had those, too, to go with my Mini, but they emitted this humming sound when no sound was playing, so I took them back. You don't mind, or you don't have that problem? I'm saving for a pair of Companion 20s now.

Just downloaded it, 1.9 GB.

Sorry, can't hear you over the sound of this running down my throat.

Why do you expect consumers to adapt to the product instead of the other way around? What does it tell you about an experience if you need to turn off part of your brain to be able to enjoy it? Things are not simple, and often the answer to the question whether you enjoyed something needs many words more than just yes

Welcome to the kindergarten of the German parliament. :-)

Why do you think a touchscreen would be perfect for this? The game mechanics are based on two buttons and when to press each one. A touchscreen adds nothing whatsoever to the formula.

Next time before you insult someone, you might wanna read twice what they said to spare us all the awkward moment. An even safer bet would be not to insult them at all, even if you disagree (with a point they never made).

Looks awesome. I think it would be particularly awesome on the Vita. When all the interaction with objects was handled with touchscreen controls so you had to let go of one of the analog sticks for the time being, it would make you feel more vulnerable during looting/inventory management &c.

I appreciate the constructive reply! But I do not agree with that assessment at all. Actually, I think Patricia is one of the least sensationalist writers on this blog. How often do other writers on Kotaku post spectacular or outrages headlines, and in the article it turns out that the quote was taken out of context,

It's funny how you suggest not taking everything as a personal attack towards one's gender, yet the majority of mens' responses to Patricia's articles demonstrates just that disposition... We're all sitting in the same boat here, there are no white knights or damsels in distress.

The amount of hatred and aggression with which people react to Patricia's articles is really depressing. This is obviously a topic relevant to all of us, or people would just skip over these articles. So why not be a little more open-minded and constructive instead of trying to make it all go away? Because the issue

And now that you are aware of what's wrong with our society... preorder our new video game in which you have superhuman powers that you can use for either Good or Evil...! Wooohoooo!